If you live in your own home you may be entitled to a grant which will allow you to adapt your home to allows you to live more independently, and to purchase equipment which will help you in a number of day-to-day tasks.

Local authorities are required by law to give Disabled Facilities Grants to eligible applicants to make houses suitable for disabled people. The Grants are available to owners and tenants in both private and social housing sectors.You may be expected to pay some of the costs, depending on your financial circumstances.

Contact your local social services department / housing authority to arrange for an assessment of the improvements and adaptations to meet your needs, and details of accessing Disabled Facilities funding. Your local council may also be able to move you to more suitable living accommodation if this is your preference, and would offer the same help as improving or adapting the existing accommodation.

If you are arranging for the work to be carried out yourself you may be able to get help from a Home Improvement Agency. They are not-for-profit organisations which advise on what work needs to be done and then project manage it on your behalf.

Grants are available to owners and tenants in both private and social housing sectors.

The National Co-ordinating Body for Home Improvement Agencies (HIAs) in England. HIAs are not for profit, locally based organisations that assist vulnerable homeowners to improve, maintain or adapt their home. By improving people's living conditions, HIAs enhance their quality of life and enable them to remain in their home in greater comfort and security.